Rosie Russo

Rosie received her M.S.W. from the Columbia University School of Social Work, concentrating in program development and qualitative research. While earning her graduate degree, Rosie interned with the Dominican Women’s Development Center, a community-based organization that supports early childhood development in Washington Heights. She also interned at The Bronx Defenders, gaining experience in both the Immigration Defense and Criminal Defense Practices. Previously, Rosie lived in Baltimore working as a Program Coordinator for West Baltimore CARE, an organization that strives to reduce health disparities in under-resourced communities. While in Baltimore, she also interned for the International Rescue Committee supporting refugees resettling in the U.S., an experience that fueled her passion for social work. During her undergraduate degree, Rosie lived in the Andes mountains of Peru volunteering in sustainable community development. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from Vassar College. Rosie was born and raised in West Virginia, and speaks Spanish.
