Michelle Bello

Michelle Bello (she/her/hers) graduated from Mount Holyoke College with a B.A. in Politics and Spanish. While at Mount Holyoke, she studied abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina where she took Advanced Spanish courses at Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. During her undergraduate career, she worked with various Mount Holyoke Community-Based Learning programs serving both Spanish-speaking parents and students of Holyoke, Massachusetts. Prior to the Bronx Defenders, she was a legal intern at the Urban Justice Center’s Community Development Project in Manhattan serving rent subsidized or stabilized tenants, who had inadequate housing conditions and or, landlord disputes. Her activism for tenant justice stems in part from her family’s struggle in a legal housing case, which encouraged her to push for systematic change for economically disadvantaged communities. She is excited to continue this work at The Bronx Defenders.