Marvin España

Marvin España (he/him/his) received his J.D. from Brooklyn Law School. During law school, he worked with the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) to create Promoting Justice for Immigrants Facing Detention, a pro bono project that allows students to provide legal services to women and families seeking asylum at a Karnes, Texas detention center. Marvin interned with The Door’s Legal Services immigration unit, Latino Justice PRLDEF, volunteered with the New York Immigration Coalition, and participated in the Safe Harbor Clinic assisting a client in gaining immigration status. Marvin also interned for the Honorable Judge Rivera of the New York Court of Appeals. As an Edward V. Sparer Fellow and a Public Interest Public Service Fellow, he worked with The Legal Aid Society’s immigration law unit. He holds a B.A. in Criminology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and is fluent in Spanish.