Gillian Stoddard Leatherberry

Gillian Stoddard Leatherberry (she/her/hers) graduated from Boston University School of Law where she was awarded the Warren S. Gilford Humanity in Law Prize following her work on civil and human rights, access to justice, gender & reproductive justice, institutional accountability, access to medicine, and indigenous rights. During law school, Gillian had the pleasure of holding intern positions at the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti, the Center for Reproductive Rights, and International Rights Advocates, participating in a semester-in-practice program at the Center for Constitutional Rights, and serving as a member and Note Editor on the American Journal of Law & Medicine and as a Student Attorney in the International Human Rights Clinic. Prior to joining The Bronx Defenders, she worked as a legal fellow at The Legal Aid Society’s Employment Law Unit and as an Agency Attorney at the New York City Office of Labor Policy & Standards. Gillian graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she received her B.A. in Political Science with comprehensive honors.