Elli Marcus

Elli Marcus (she/her/hers) graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania Law School where she was a Levy Scholar, received the Lipman Redman Prize in Legal Writing and was elected to the Order of the Coif. While at Penn, Elli participated in the Criminal Defense Clinic, co-directed the Penn Law Equal Justice Foundation and served as the policy and outreach coordinator for the Criminal Records Expungement Project. Elli was also a member of the Penn Law Trial Team, a senior editor of the Law Review, and instructed first-year students in legal writing and practice skills as a Littleton Fellow. During her summers, she interned with the Alexandria, Virginia Public Defender and The Bronx Defenders’ Criminal and Family Defense practices. Following graduation, Elli served as a law clerk to the Honorable Anita B. Brody of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. She then earned an L.L.M. in Trial Advocacy from Georgetown University Law Center where she served as an E. Barrett Prettyman Fellow. As a Fellow, Elli represented clients facing misdemeanor and felony charges in D.C. Superior Court and supervised third year law students in the Criminal Justice Clinic. Before law school, Elli worked in education reform in New York City. She received her B.A. in English Literature from Hamilton College.