Brittany McCoy

Brittany McCoy (She, Her, Hers) is a graduate of Virginia State University and holds a B.A in Political Science with a minor in Pre-Law. Brittany’s passion for activism and politics was birthed in the 10th grade during the heights both of the movement to end unconstitutional Stop and Frisk tactics in New York City and the fight for justice in the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Committed to activism throughout her undergraduate career, Brittany has been a voice of resistance against the School to Prison Pipeline. While at Virginia State University, Brittany served as Senior and Junior class president and promoted millennial civic engagement as the Connection chair of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. During the summers of her Sophomore and Junior years, Brittany served as a legislative intern for two New York City Council members. She champions for social, political and economic equality as the National Vice Chairwoman of the National Black Action Committee. Before joining the Bronx Defenders,  Brittany worked in the office of Congressman Hakeem Jeffries as a Congressional.