Ashley Agosto

Ashley C. Agosto (she/her/hers) obtained her Masters of Social Work from Rutgers University in 2011, and holds her LMSW in New York. Ashley was born and raised in East Harlem and has a passion for impacting change in her community and empowering the low-income families. Ashley is bilingual in Spanish, which allows her to assist clients in their native language. Ashley is a member of The National Association of Puerto Rican Hispanic Social Workers as well as a member of The American Group Psychotherapy Association. Ashley has been a volunteer in The Sexual Assault Violence Intervention Program (SAVI) thru Mt. Sinai Hospital, since 2013 and continues to be a strong advocate for sexual assault survivors. Prior to joining The Bronx Defenders, Ashley worked at The Legal Aid Society in the Juvenile Rights Practice in the Bronx for 5 years. During her time there, she collaborated with attorneys to develop alternate dispositional plans, prepared affidavits, testified, evaluated the appropriateness of other agencies interventions, and provided crisis intervention. Ashley has a strong passion and commitment to working with individuals and families affected by both the criminal justice system and family court.