Register now for the 2017 Defenders’ Academy: Spring Training!
From June 5 to June 10, The Bronx Defenders will be hosting its 2017 Defenders’ Academy: Spring Training program.
Defenders’ Academy: Spring Training is a six-day intensive trial skills program for criminal, family, and civil defenders. Through the lens of a complex case problem, participants will receive training on voir dire, opening statements, direct examination, cross examination, impeachment and evidentiary drills, and closing arguments.
The program will include specific sessions on how to develop a holistic approach to lawyering. Attorneys will be challenged to broaden the scope of their advocacy to address both the collateral consequences of criminal justice involvement as well as the underlying issues that drive clients into the criminal justice system. Attorneys from criminal, civil, and family court practice will also explore the many advantages of cross-practice representation.
Unlike many traditional trial skills advocacy training programs, the Defenders’ Academy integrates the art of storytelling techniques led by professional story tellers, vocal work taught by professional vocal coaches, and improvisation techniques led by professional actors. These faculty members join our experienced litigator faculty, selected from around the U.S., to deliver a powerful combination of artistic and technical skills.
The 2017 program will be held at the CUNY Law School in Long Island City, Queens. The program is open to both private attorneys and public defenders. Space is limited so please register early.
We have negotiated discounted rates at the Hilton Garden Inn Long Island City, located minutes from CUNY School of Law. When you call, be sure to mention The Bronx Defenders to receive a discount.
For more information about this training, please contact Karen Smolar at