Mark Loudon-Brown to lead webinar on “DNA Basics for the Defense” on September 19

On Friday, September 19, 2014 at 2:30 PM Eastern, The Bronx Defenders Criminal Defense Attorney Mark Loudon-Brown will be instructing a National Association for Public Defense webinar entitled “DNA Basics for the Defense – A Primer to Get You Started.”

The webinar will focus on the basics of DNA evidence, examining what DNA evidence is, how DNA analysis proceeds, and what the results mean. It will define relevant terminology and discuss what discovery should be demanded in any case involving DNA. Once that foundation is laid, the focus will then turn to the many challenges that can be raised in the typical case involving DNA evidence. These challenges include in limine motions and areas of cross to pursue. It will conclude with some examples of possible cross-examination chapters and ideas for how to explain the concepts you elicit during cross to the jury during closing argument.

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