The Bronx Defenders is redefining public defense but we cannot do it alone. We need your help, now more than ever, to support the work we do and enabled us to grow and pioneer a new kind of public defense.
Donate Online
Day in and day out, our teams of attorneys, social workers, advocates and investigators fight to protect the rights and freedoms of our clients. Show your support of The Bronx Defenders by making an online donation today.

Donate by Mail or Phone
If you prefer to donate by mail please send the check or money order to:
The Bronx Defenders
Attn: Development Team
360 East 161st Street
Bronx, NY 10451
Checks should be made out to The Bronx Defenders. If you wish to make a credit card donation over the phone, please call: 718-508-3432
Donate by Stock
Giving by stock? We are able to accept donations in the form of stock. This can be arranged from most brokerage accounts. Please call 718-838-7848 for more information.
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