New York State of Politics: Criminal Justice Reform Groups Back Heastie on Supporting Bail Law
“Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie’s support for the cashless bail law amid a growing maelstrom may feel like a lonely stance in Albany these days. But on Friday, the speaker got some backing from a coalition of progressive organizations supporting his stance that the new law should not be scaled back. “We applaud Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie for…

City and State: Advocates: Don’t make changes to the state’s new bail law
“A coalition of 60 criminal justice reform groups are sending an open letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders demanding that they don’t change the state’s newly enacted law limiting the use of cash bail. “Make no mistake,” the letter reads, in part, “retreating from bail reform less than a week after it goes…

The New York Times: After Anti-Semitic Incidents, New Bail Law in N.Y. Comes Under Attack
“We are seeing elected officials turn back because of fear-mongering,” said Akeem Browder, the brother of Kalief Browder, a Bronx teenager whose long incarceration on Rikers Island and subsequent suicide galvanized the push for reform. “That’s cowardice. It’s atrocious.” Read the full article here

Human Rights Watch: Groups Urge NY Lawmakers to Stand Firm on Bail Reform
January 1st was a historic day that ushered in pretrial reforms that will make New York fairer and more just. These reforms are a huge step forward towards eliminating the race- and wealth-based detention that has plagued New York for decades. The new laws will dramatically expand pretrial liberty and reduce jail populations and taxpayer…

News Beat: BONUS: New York Bail Reform and the Afghanistan Papers
Bail reform goes into effect in New York. Listen to this special episode to find out what it all means. Featuring Alice Fontier, The Bronx Defender’s Managing Director of the Criminal Defense Practice. Listen to the full podcast here

Gotham Gazette: Real Criminal Justice Reform Requires Standing Up to Fear-Mongering
“Nearly five years ago, Jerome Murdough, an African-American Marine Corps veteran, died on Rikers Island due to a combination of injustice, inhumanity, and medical neglect. Afflicted by homelessness and mental illness, Murdough tragically passed away when temperatures in his cell reached 100 degrees – heat that was contraindicated with his medicine – and he baked…

News12: Bail reform law frees inmates accused of misdemeanor, nonviolent felonies takes effect
“Alice Fontier, of the Bronx Defenders, also welcomes the change. “All of the evidence, the data from the years of the cash bail system demonstrates that what happens is that poor people stay in jail and people with money don’t,” Fontier says. As of Dec. 28, 50 to 60 pre-trial detainees were awaiting release on…

Alice Fontier Presented Testimony at City Council Re: Int 0487-2018: Creating Comprehensive Reporting and Oversight of NYPD Surveillance Technologies
New York City Council Committee on Public Safety Re: Int 0487-2018: Creating Comprehensive Reporting and Oversight of NYPD Surveillance Technologies. December 18, 2019 Written Testimony of The Bronx Defenders By Alice Fontier, Managing Director, Criminal Defense Practice Over the course of a decade, the New York Police Department has adopted surveillance technologies as a central…

The City: Report Calls On New NYPD Top Cop Dermot Shea To Abolish Gang Database
“Public defenders and justice advocates are calling on new NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea to abolish a policing tool he’s strongly defended: the department’s gang database. The “Erase the Database” campaign, to be launched Thursday, marks the latest in a yearslong effort to end collection of names and monitoring of the estimated 17,500 to 42,000 New Yorkers believed to be in…

Amsterdam News: New report takes anti-gang initiative ‘Operation Crew Cut’ to task
“A new report unveiled today details how much harm both of these operations have reaped on New York’s Black and Brown teenagers. “Gang Takedowns In The De Blasio Era: The Dangers of Precision Policing” details how, through large scale conspiracy cases, how thousands of juveniles and adults were arrested and placed in a secretive gang…

Times Union: Commentary: Reforms make justice system fairer to New York’s poor
“Equal justice before the law is a cruel myth. In New York’s criminal courts it is better to be guilty and rich than poor and innocent. Under current law, guilty defendants who can afford bail are promptly set free while innocent poor people must sit in jail. This predicament is being remedied by criminal justice…

Ivan Bohorquez Presented Testimony at Hearing re: Local Law to amend NYC charter, in relation to mandating a citywide audit of collateral consequences for drug arrests and conviction
Written Testimony of The Bronx Defenders By Ivan Bohorquez, Civil Legal Advocate, Civil Action Practice New York City Council Committee on Justice System Hearing Regarding T2019-5492, A Local Law to amend the NYC Charter, in relation to mandating a citywide audit of collateral consequences for drug arrests and convictions December 11, 2019 The Civil Action…

New York Daily News: Advocates celebrate New York’s new bail and discovery reforms ahead of Jan. 1 implementation
“Advocates and elected officials celebrated upcoming changes to the state’s bail and discovery rules during a rally on the steps of City Hall Tuesday for Human Rights Day… On Jan. 1, laws requiring prosecutors to turn over a wider range of evidence in faster fashion will go into effect, as well as reforms to the…

Eli Northrup Presented Testimony at City Council Hearing re: Sealing of criminal records and expansion of youthful offender status
New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Codes and Standing Committee on Correction Hearing re: Sealing of criminal records and expansion of youthful offender status December 10, 2019 Written Testimony of The Bronx Defenders By Eli Northrup, Policy Counsel to the Criminal Defense Practice The sealing of criminal convictions is critical if New York wants…

Stacey Kennard Presented Testimony at Oversight Hearing on Implementation and Expansion of RTA
New York City Council Committee on Justice System and Committee on Criminal Justice Oversight Hearing on Implementation and Expansion of RTA December 3, 2019 Testimony of The Bronx Defenders By Stacey Kennard, Team Leader and Adolescent Defense Project Attorney, Criminal Defense Practice The Bronx Defenders forms relationships with hundreds of young clients every year. The…

New York Daily News: NYC legal defense groups want additional criminal justice reforms from Albany
“The city’s top legal defense organizations want state lawmakers and Gov. Cuomo to keep criminal justice reforms at the top of their to-do list as they prepare for next year’s legislative session. The Legal Aid Society, New York County Defender Services, Brooklyn Defender Services, The Bronx Defenders and Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem issued a…

Deb Lolai Presents Testimony at City Council Oversight Hearing on the Gender Equity in NYC: Access, Resources, and Support for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming New Yorkers
New York City Council Committee on Women and Gender Equity Oversight Hearing on the Gender Equity in NYC: Access, Resources, and Support for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming New Yorkers. November 27, 2019 Testimony of The Bronx Defenders By Deborah Lolai, Supervising Attorney of LGBTQ Defense Practice My name is Deborah Lolai and I am the…

Blackstar News: NY Transit And Police Accountability Advocates To Governor Cuomo: Invest In MTA Service Upgrades Not More MTA Police
“As New York City looks toward implementing historic criminal justice reforms, the addition of 500 cops to deal with what is clearly an economic and social justice issue is unnecessary, cruel and counterproductive,” said Scott Levy, Chief Policy Counsel at The Bronx Defenders. “Every day, The Bronx Defenders and other public defenders citywide witness the devastating…

Emma Ketteringham Presented Testimony at Hearing on Family Involvement in the Child Welfare and Family Court Systems
Assembly Standing Committee on Children and Families Assembly Task Force on Women’s Issues November 21, 2019 Hearing on Family Involvement in the Child Welfare and Family Court Systems Written Testimony of The Bronx Defenders By Emma S. Ketteringham, Managing Director, Family Defense Practice Muriel Bell, Policy Advocate, Family Defense Practice Miriam Mack, Policy Counsel, Family…

Mitu: Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg Apologizes For Years Of Stop-And-Frisk Policy Ahead Of Possible 2020 Run
“The temperature in the city at the time was that the police were at war with Black and brown people on the streets,” Jenn Rolnick-Borchetta, the director of impact litigation at the Bronx Defenders, told the New York Times. “And that is how people experienced it.” Statistics show that Black and Latino people were nine times…

Latin Post: “Stop-and-Frisk” Shows Promise in Reducing Crime Rates, But Were Minorities Intentionally Targeted?
“However, based on recent data, the number of stops multiplied increasingly, in 2011 and ended up reaching more than 600,000 instances. In 2013 it reached 191,851. During his three terms as a mayor of New York City, the number of stops based on the records of the police reached an approximate 5,081,689. According to the…

Lenora Easter Presented Testimony at City Council Hearing re: Body Worn Cameras
New York City Council Committee on Public Safety Hearing re: Body Worn Cameras November 18, 2019 Written Testimony of The Bronx Defenders By Lenora Easter, Team Leader of the Early Defense Team, Criminal Defense Practice BxD expresses our qualified support for Int. No. 1136, which requires the NYPD to track and report important information about…

The New York Times: Why ‘Stop-and-Frisk’ Inflamed Black and Hispanic Neighborhoods
“After taking office in 2002, Mr. Bloomberg oversaw a dramatic expansion in the use of stop-and-frisk. The number of stops multiplied sevenfold, peaking with 685,724 in 2011 and then tumbling to 191,851 in 2013. During Mr. Bloomberg’s three terms, the police recorded 5,081,689 stops. “The temperature in the city at the time was that the…

Kristen Anderson Presented Testimony at Hearing on Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI) and Pre-Trial Services
The New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Codes and Standing Committee on Corrections Hearing on Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI) and Pre-Trial Services November 14, 2019 Testimony of Kristen Anderson, Senior Criminal Defense Social Worker THE BRONX DEFENDERS I first want to thank the members of the Assembly Standing Committee on Codes and the members…

New York Magazine: There Wil Be No Turning Back on Facial Recognition – It’s not perfect yet, but it’s already changing the world
“If Larry Griffin II’s story typifies a best-case use of facial recognition for law enforcement, Kaitlin Jackson, a public defense attorney with the Bronx Defenders, tells me one that exposes its drawbacks. Jackson represented a man who’d been arrested for the theft of socks from a T.J. Maxx store in February 2018, supposedly after brandishing a…