Ousman Darboe
Ousman Darboe is a 28-year-old undocumented Black Muslim man who arrived in the United States from the Gambia as a six-year-old. Fordham Heights in The Bronx has been his home ever since. On July 31, 2017, ICE conducted an early morning raid on Mr. Darboe’s home and arrested him, taking him away from his home…
Public Defenders Across the Country Call on DOJ to Investigate Texas’ Unconstitutional “Operation Lone Star”
Contacts: Arianna Rosales, National Immigration Project (NIPNLG), arianna@nipnlg.org Carolina Chau, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, media@ilrc.org Mai Tran, The Bronx Defenders, mtran@bronxdefenders.org, (718) 508-3514 ***For Immediate Release*** Public Defenders Across the Country Call on DOJ to Investigate Texas’ Unconstitutional “Operation Lone Star” (NEW YORK, NY) — The Public Defenders Coalition for Immigrant Justice and 14 public defender offices…
Joint Public Defenders’ Letter Re: Operation Lone Star
April 6, 2022 Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney General Lisa Monaco, Deputy Attorney General Vanita Gupta, Associate Attorney General Kristen Clarke, Assistant Attorney General United States Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20530 Re: Operation Lone Star Dear Attorney General Garland, Deputy Attorney General Monaco, Associate Attorney General Gupta, Assistant Attorney General Clarke:…
Settlement Secures Right to Consideration of Release for People Arrested by ICE in New York
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 14, 2022 MEDIA CONTACTS: Ben Schaefer, bschaefer@nyclu.org, 212-607-3372 Chi Nguyen, cnguyen@bronxdefenders.org, 347-842-2943 Settlement Secures Right to Consideration of Release for People Arrested by ICE in New York ICE agrees to provide individualized custody determinations, abandoning a no-release policy implemented during Trump Administration NEW YORK CITY – The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU)…
NYIFUP Statement on Client Reports of a Widespread COVID-19 Outbreak in New York Jail Impacting Immigrants in ICE Detention
January 27, 2022 Contacts: Chi Nguyen, The Bronx Defenders, cnguyen@bronxdefenders.org Alejandra Lopez, The Legal Aid Society, AILopez@legal-aid.org Daniel Ball, Brooklyn Defender Services, dball@bds.org ***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** NYIFUP Statement on Client Reports of a Widespread COVID-19 Outbreak in New York Jail Impacting Immigrants in ICE Detention Attorneys Condemn Orange County Correctional Facility’s Failure to Protect…

Vox: New York gave every detained immigrant a lawyer. It could serve as a national model.
“Sarah Deri Oshiro, who is now managing director of the immigration practice at the Bronx Defenders, had been working on deportation defense at Varick Street for five years prior to the implementation of the program. She saw a grim reality for detained, unrepresented immigrants, despite the city’s robust network of legal services organizations. “Given the…

Immigration Advocates Condemn “Disappearance” of Detained Clients After Sudden ICE Transfers, Refusal to Provide Any Information
June 7, 2021 Contacts: Alejandra Lopez, The Legal Aid Society, AILopez@legal-aid.org, 917-294-9348 Daniel Ball, Brooklyn Defender Services, dball@bds.org Ryan Karerat, The Bronx Defenders, rkarerat@bronxdefenders.org Yatziri Tovar, Make the Road New York, yatziri.tovar@maketheroadny.org, 917-771-2818 ***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** Immigration Advocates Condemn “Disappearance” of Detained Clients After Sudden ICE Transfers, Refusal to Provide Any Information In Letter to…

Queens Daily Eagle: Public defenders call on New York to cancel ICE detention contracts
“Several public defender groups came out in support of a bill introduced in the state legislature that would put an end to paid contracts between Immigration and Customs Enforcement and New York State detention centers last week. The New York Immigrant Family Unity Project, a joint effort between The Legal Aid Society, Bronx Defenders and…

Spectrum News1: Bill would end ICE detention contracts with local jails
“The New York Immigrant Family Unity Project, a coalition that includes the Legal Aid Society, Brooklyn Defender Services and The Bronx Defenders announced their backing of the bill, which is meant to reduce the power of ICE to separate immigrant families, supporters of the bill said. The measure is taking aim at multiple local governments…

NYIFUP Urges Enactment of the Dignity Not Detention Act in New York State
May 20, 2020 Contacts: Alejandra Lopez, The Legal Aid Society, AILopez@legal-aid.org, 917-294-9348 Daniel Ball Brooklyn Defender Services, dball@bds.org Ryan Karerat, The Bronx Defenders, rkarerat@bronxdefenders.org ***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** NYIFUP Urges Enactment of the Dignity Not Detention Act in New York State Proposed Legislation Would End Immigration Detention Contracts with ICE in New York State (New York,…

NYIFUP Memorandum in Support of the Dignity Not Detention Act
Full memorandum here

Law360: ICE Transfers Muddle Honduran Man’s 3rd Circ. Habeas Bid
“The Third Circuit on Wednesday questioned the government’s argument that the habeas petition of a Honduran citizen facing deportation should have been filed where he’s currently detained in Louisiana, given that at he’s been shuffled around to facilities in multiple states over the past six years.” Read the full article here

The Nation: Biden Has a Chance to End the Jail-to-Deportation Pipeline
“Guillermo Bustos migrated to the United States when he was a child. He spent his formative years in Los Angeles, where he graduated from Huntington Park High School in 2006. Guillermo’s entire family and life is in California. He was raised by his mother, Maria Bustos, a lawful permanent resident, and his older sister and…

Bronx Defenders Statement On The U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 And American Dream and Promise Act of 2021
March 11, 2021 Contact: Ryan Karerat, rkarerat@bronxdefenders.org ***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** BRONX DEFENDERS STATEMENT ON THE U.S. CITIZENSHIP ACT OF 2021 AND AMERICAN DREAM AND PROMISE ACT OF 2021 (Bronx, NY) – Last month, the White House and Congress unveiled the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 and the American Dream and Promise Act of 2021 in…

The New York Immigrant Family Unity Project Demands Answers on Vaccination Plan for Detained Immigrants
March 11, 2021 Contacts: Alejandra Lopez, The Legal Aid Society, AILopez@legal-aid.org, 917-294-9348 Daniel Ball, Brooklyn Defender Services, dball@bds.org Ryan Karerat, The Bronx Defenders, rkarerat@bronxdefenders.org ***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** The New York Immigrant Family Unity Project Demands Answers on Vaccination Plan for Detained Immigrants (New York, NY) – The Legal Aid Society, Brooklyn Defender Services, and The…

DocumentedNY: DOJ Appeals Ruling Limiting Immigrant Detentions Without a Court Hearing
“We were certainly disappointed to see the government’s continuing to resist the most basic due-process protections for people arrested by ICE,” said Peter Markowitz, a professor at Cardozo Law School, which filed the case with the Bronx Defenders and New York Civil Liberties Union.” Read the full article here

The Intercept: “Dying of Cold”: ICE Detainees Freezing In Southern Prisons
“Sophia Elena Gurulé, immigration policy counsel at the Bronx Defenders, said it’s typical for such concerns to be ignored. “As recent as two days ago we heard complaints from our clients, people detained at Bergen County Jail, that there are ongoing problems with the heat,” she said. “The Bronx Defenders and the providers that issued that statement have been…

News12: Inmates claim correction officers at Rikers Island are not following COVID-19 safety protocol
“A group of attorneys is demanding the release of federal immigration detainees held in New York and New Jersey, citing a memorandum issued by President Joe Biden’s administration that changed who should be considered a priority for detention and deportation. The letter from Brooklyn Defender Services, the Legal Aid Society and the Bronx Defenders was…

DocumentedNY: Cuomo Approves COVID-19 Vaccine for Food Delivery and Restaurant Workers
“The Legal Aid Society, Brooklyn Defender Services and The Bronx Defenders are demanding Immigration and Customs Enforcement release immigrant detainees following a U.S. Department of Homeland Security memo put out on Jan. 20. The memo demands ICE prioritize national security, then border security, then public safety when embarking on enforcement actions, including when deciding which…

Immigration Advocates Demand Release of People in Detention in Light of New ICE Guidance
February 4, 2021 Contacts: Alejandra Lopez, The Legal Aid Society, AILopez@legal-aid.org, 917-294-9348 Daniel Ball, Brooklyn Defender Services, dball@bds.org Ryan Karerat, The Bronx Defenders, rkarerat@bronxdefenders.org ***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** Immigration Advocates Demand Release of People in Detention in Light of New ICE Guidance In Letter to ICE Field Office, Defense Attorneys and Advocates Call for the Release…

Law360: NYC Council Speaker Calls On DHS To Fire ICE Field Director
Read the full article here

North Jersey: Attorneys demand release of ICE detainees in NJ and NY, citing Biden administration memo
“A group of attorneys is demanding the release of federal immigration detainees held in New York and New Jersey, citing a memorandum issued by President Joe Biden’s administration that changed who should be considered a priority for detention and deportation. The letter from Brooklyn Defender Services, the Legal Aid Society and the Bronx Defenders was…

Public Defenders, Advocates Sue New York, Claim Vaccine Denial Violates Constitutional Rights of Incarcerated People
Public Defenders, Advocates Sue New York, Claim Vaccine Denial Violates Constitutional Rights of Incarcerated People February 4, 2021 CONTACT Sam McCann, Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem (smccann@ndsny.org) Arianna Fishman, New York Civil Liberties Union (afishman@nyclu.org) Redmond Haskins, The Legal Aid Society (rhaskins@legal-aid.org) Ryan Karerat, The Bronx Defenders (rkarerat@bronxdefenders.org) Daniel Ball, Brooklyn Defender Services (Dball@bds.org) (NEW…

Letter to ICE Re: Release of people from ICE custody pursuant to January 20 memorandum
February 3, 2021 Via Email only – thomas.decker@ice.dhs.gov Thomas Decker Director, Enforcement and Removal Operations U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 201 Varick Street New York, NY 10014 Re: Release of people from ICE custody pursuant to January 20 memorandum Dear Director Decker, We write on behalf of the three NYIFUP programs at Brooklyn Defender Services,…

NYIFUP Letter Re: Bergen County Jail’s Lack of Heat
January 29, 2021 Via Email only – thomas.r.decker@dhs.ice.gov Thomas Decker Director, Enforcement and Removal Operations U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 201 Varick Street New York, NY 10014 Dear Director Decker, We have received several alarming reports over the last 36 hours from clients at Bergen County Jail that there is no heat in various…