In a Legal First, NY State Appeals Court Mandates Review of Problematic Orders of Protection
In a Legal First, NY State Appeals Court Mandates Review of Problematic Orders of Protection Decision establishes the right to a “Crawford Hearing” to justify stay-away orders that render New Yorkers homeless, jobless and separated from their children CONTACT: Emily Whitfield, The Bronx Defenders, ewhitfield@bronxdefenders.org June 24, 2021 (NEW YORK, NY) — Individuals…

LIC Post: CM Van Bramer: What’s the Rush? If We Want Safe, Dignified and Truly Affordable Housing, We Need to Get This Right!
“This coalition includes over 25 well-respected organizations such as AARP, Legal Aid Society, Bronx Defenders, Center for Independence of the Disabled in New York, DC37, Coalition for the Homeless and many more.” Read the full article here

The City: Former Inmates Threatened with Early Checkout from Taxpayer-Funded Hotel Rooms
“The program has improved the chances of people getting released from city jails and state prisons, said Julia Solomons, senior policy social workers for the Bronx Defenders. Prosecutors, judges and prison officials are more likely to agree to let people out when they know there’s a hotel bed available as opposed to a packed shelter, Solomons…

Commercial Observer: Can NYC Reopen Its Housing Courts Safely?
“The legal services groups, which include the Legal Aid Society, the Bronx Defenders and the Brooklyn Defender Services, argued in a statement that the state Office of Court Administration’s plan to reopen the courts “forces our clients to choose between their health and safety and their freedom, and violates the Americans with Disabilities Act in…

Unemployment Insurance Benefits Brief
Nationwide, millions of people have been out of work due to the Covid-19 crisis. Unemployment Insurance Benefits are a critical option available-nearly 32 million people are currently supported by unemployment insurance benefits as they balance paying for food, rent, loans and other costs & bills with looking for a job. In New York City, close…

Bronx Defenders Letter to City Council Re: NYPD Police Property Seizure During the Recent Black Lives Matter Protests and COVID-19
Sent Via Email July 8, 2020 Donovan J. Richards, Chair Committee on Public Safety New York City Council 250 Broadway New York, NY 10007 Re: NYPD Police Property Seizure During the Recent Black Lives Matter Protests and COVID-19 Dear Chairman Richards and Public Safety Committee Members: The protests ignited by the murder of George Floyd…

Property Retrieval
In the wake of protests and increased police violence and misconduct, as well as the ongoing difficulties and office/court closures due to COVID-19, we know that many have been harmed when police officers seize or even lose track of essential property such as phones, keys, wallets, medication, and transportation including bicycles, scooters and cars. If…

Left Voice: If Black Lives Matter, Then Stop The Evictions
“19 legal services organizations, including The Legal Aid Society and The Bronx Defenders, have expressed their opposition to reopening housing courts for public health and safety reasons. As for the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys – UAW Local 2325, Legal Services Staff Association, NOLSW/UAW 2320, and other legal services worker unions have all similarly expressed opposition…

Gothamist: As Civil Courts Reopen, Tenant Advocates Fear Coronavirus Could Spread In A Busy Housing Court
“Tenant advocates also have many outstanding questions. A group of them are calling on OCA to postone all phases of the reopening of the city’s civil and housing courts amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and Black Lives Matter demonstrations, until there’s a thorough safety plan informed by health experts and stakeholders. “Reopening the courts prematurely…

AMNY: Bronx leaders launch $10M fundraiser for food & small businesses support
“$1,000,000 for equity and justice – In partnership with legal aid groups, such as Bronx Defenders, Legal Aid Society and others, ensures that 2,000 Bronxites are supported through their criminal, civil, child welfare and immigration cases during the New York stay-at-home order” Read the full article here

The City: He’s 67, With Renal Disease, An Eviction Case And No Help Finding A Home
If Alvin Linton’s landlord gets her way, the ailing 67-year-old will soon be evicted from the northeast Bronx home he’s lived in for nearly 40 years. Situations like Linton’s — where a senior with limited income faces the threat of homelessness — aren’t novel in New York. Recent city data shows the number of senior citizens in homeless…

Diary of a Civil Public Defender: Critical Lessons for Achieving Transformative Change on Behalf of Communities
“As civil public defenders, we venture into courts, struggles and conflicts where no constitutional right to a lawyer, and very few other protections exist to ensure fairness in process and justice on behalf of the people we represent. We fight for the basic necessities that are destabilized or deprived once an individual is criminally or…

WNYC: New York’s Highest Court Rules Immigrants Deserve Jury Trials, Even for Misdemeanors
The New York Court of Appeals has ruled that immigrants are entitled to a jury trial, even when they’re accused of misdemeanors that carry sentences of six months or less. This is a groundbreaking decision that will provide people a meaningful day in court to fight charges that could lead to deportation. “Jury trials are…

The Bronx Defenders Reaches Settlement in Bronx Court Delay Case
Settlement will ensure Bronx Courts uphold people’s constitutional rights to due process and speedy trials. ** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ** CONTACT: Anna Kim (annakim@bronxdefenders.org) 646-504-2977 AUGUST 9, 2018 NEW YORK, N.Y. — The Bronx Defenders, Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady LLP, and Morrison & Foerster, LLP announced a settlement with the defendants in Trowbridge v….

Spotlight on BxD’s work with veterans and service members
Every day, The Bronx Defenders represents people who are veterans, active service members, or interested in future military service. The Bronx is home to approximately 40,000 veterans, who often face unique challenges in all aspects of the justice system, whether in Criminal Court, Family Court, Housing Court, or in administrative proceedings. Many our clients come…

The Bronx Defenders Files Brief on Behalf of Amici Curiae in Support of Taxi & Limousine Commission Licensed Drivers
NEW YORK, N.Y. — The Bronx Defenders Civil Action Practice filed an amicus brief on behalf of itself and six amici curiae including the Community Service Society of New York, Legal Action Center, Neighborhood Defender Services of Harlem, Youth Represent, Urban Justice Center Mental Health Project, and Brooklyn Defender Services in the 2nd Circuit Court…

Bronx woman faces eviction from dead mom’s NYCHA home — even if she pays bills
“I’m 74. I want to live in peace in my place.” Aida Reyes is a client of The Bronx Defenders who is being threatened with eviction by NYCHA. Ms. Reyes moved in with her mother in 2011 to take care of her and after she passed away, Aida was told by NYCHA she needed to…

BxD Testifies Before City Council Committees Regarding Rights to Succession in Public Housing
On October 24, 2017, Runa Rajagopal, Managing Director of The Bronx Defenders’ Civil Action Practice, presented written and oral testimony before the New York City Council Committee on Public Housing jointly with the Committee on Aging Oversight Hearing regarding the permanent addition of family members to a New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) household and…
Bronx Defenders Applauds City Council Passage of Bill Requiring NYPD to Report on Seized Property Data
July 20, 2017, New York – In response to the passage of Intro 1000-B, a law requiring the NYPD to report on seized property data on an annual basis, The Bronx Defenders issued the following statement: “The passage of this bill marks an important victory for our clients and countless other New Yorkers disproportionately affected…

Bronx Defenders Applauds Passage of Bill Guaranteeing Legal Representation for Low-Income New Yorkers Facing Eviction
July 20, 2017, New York – In response to the passage of Intro 214b, a law providing free legal representation to low-income New Yorkers facing eviction, The Bronx Defenders issued the following statement: “After years of advocating for full funding to ensure this basic protection for low-income New Yorkers, we are thrilled to see that…

BxD Testifies Before City Council Committees Regarding DOI Report on NYCHA Policy of Permanent Exclusion
On April 24, 2017, Runa Rajagopal, director of The Bronx Defenders’ Civil Action Practice, presented written and oral testimony before the New York City Council Committees on Public Housing and Oversight and Investigations regarding a new report by the New York City Department of Investigation’s (DOI) on the New York City Housing Authority’s (NYCHA) policy…
BxD Applauds City Announcement of Right to Counsel in Housing Court
New York – The Bronx Defenders released the following statement in response to the Mayor and Council Speaker’s announcement they have agreed to create a universal right to counsel for low-income New Yorkers facing eviction. “We applaud Mayor de Blasio and the City Council for taking this historic step toward making NYC a more equitable…

How Segregation Enables Over-Policing of Communities of Color
“An hour ride on most NYC subway lines should be enough to see how New York City, for all its diversity, is an economically and racially segregated city. A few stops along that same ride can also illustrate how policing in communities varies depending on the neighborhood. Take the D train from 59th-Columbus Circle to…

Adam Shoop Presented Testimony at City Council Committee on Public Safety
Adam Shoop, Legal Director of the Civil Action Practice, presented testimony at the New York City Council Committee on Public Safety for a hearing regarding Int. 1000-2015, a local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the police department to report seized property data on an…

The NYPD’s Civil Forfeiture System Has Taken Millions From Low-Income New Yorkers
“Just how common, and exactly how much money the NYPD is currently taking from low-income New Yorkers, is the basis of a lawsuit filed last week against the NYPD by the Bronx Defenders…” Read the article here. For more on the lawsuit, see our case page.