Redefining public defense.

The Bronx Defenders Our Projects - Adolescent Defense Project

BxD Social Workers and Advocates to present at the 2015 NOFSW Conference

On August 21-23, 2015, four of The Bronx Defenders’ Social Workers and Civil Legal Advocates will be presenting on two panels at the 2015 National Organization of Forensic Social Work (NOFSW) Conference in Arlington, VA. The 32nd Annual NOFSW Conference, entitled “Forensic Practice: Promoting Social Justice for All Through Policy and Practice Reform,” is committed to advancing a new…

El Diario: Exigen que se termine el maltrato de reos en las cárceles de NY

Activistas y concejales municipales exigieron a viva voz reformas en las prisiones de la ciudad. El grupo se congregó el lunes en las escalinatas de la alcaldía en donde, de paso, se entregaron más detalles de un proyecto de ley que quiere que los Departamentos de Correccionales y de Salud publiquen información detallada sobre los…

Jenay Nurse to lead breakout session at CUNY’s 3rd Annual Supporting Excellence Conference

On March 14, 2014, Jenay Nurse, Director of The Bronx Defenders Adolescent Defense Project, will facilitate a breakout session at CUNY’s 3rd Annual Supporting Excellence Conference.  Jenay will lead a discussion entitled “Utilizing a Holistic Defense Model to Address the Problems Faced by Teens who are Prosecuted as Adults.” From CUNY: This year, the Supporting Excellence…

Gotham Schools: Community members carve out a role in school guards’ training

When Lynn Sanchez, a Bronx parent activist, challenged police and education officials to address persistent school climate problems during a public forum on school safety last year, she did not think they would say yes. And yet just months later, Sanchez was sitting with safety agents during one of their training sessions — which, for…

The Take Away: Searching for Justice in the South Bronx

As the executive director of the Bronx Defenders, a public defense and legal services organization, Robin Steinberg has spent her career demanding justice for the residents of the poorest Congressional district in the nation. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Gideon v. Wainwright, the landmark Supreme Court case that requires states to provide attorneys…